I was away this weekend, celebrating GWU's graduation commencement (headlined by the most perfect everything, Kerry Washington -- check out her commencement speech on YouTube). I left Friday morning, and didn't get home until way late last night. Before I left, I was nervous about how the plants might fare without monitoring or watering -- I've noticed that outside in the sun, in the cat litter planters, my garden plants get dry pretty quickly. So in order to minimize any damage my absence might cause, I brought the plants indoors and watered them the morning I left (also, to minimize any damage that Mickey might cause, I sett the plants up as high as I could...Mick loves his greens).
I got home late last night, and was so tired that I didn't really do any garden diagnostics. Instead, I made sure Mickey hadn't somehow knocked them over and then went to bed. This morning I did a thorough check, and found the snow peas have started to latch onto the homemade trellis! Woot, exciting!! A little shot of confidence that things are going alright. And it's sort of amazing how quickly, almost overnight, that happened. Small miracles of the universe, life happening.
Next I need to do a little research about pruning. I've noticed some of the leaves at the bottom of the snow pea plants are yellowing. I'm assuming those leaves aren't useful anyway, and that they might be drawing water away from the top of the plant. I'll look into that and report my findings.
Anyway, good start for the week. Happy Monday everyone!