Friday, August 19, 2011
Poor Man's Kitchen
I figured I would give you all a look at what I'm working with. There are my two main cooking instruments. The non-stick frying pan was only recently replaced, on account of the old one's handle falling off. The sauce pan has been with me for ages...or 7 years. I cook almost everything in that sauce pan - sauce, rice, pasta. And I don't need no stinkin' lids...foil works just fine.
I know you're asking, Why would you live like this, when we can see a hint of an ice cream machine to the side. Answer: it works for me. Am I going to be making gourmet meals for twenty? Probably not. Will I be stewing chuck broils or brazing rack of lamb? Most likely no.
So this is what I have, which works great for making simple cupboard meals in a snap.
Thursday, August 18, 2011
Not Quiche
4 eggs
* * * * *
Thursday, August 4, 2011
Not Cinnamon Buns
Well, neither Cinnabon nor a trip to the mall are in my budget right now. And I try as much as possible to stick to basics at the grocery store. So, rummaging through my cupboard, I came up with this pretty tasty substitute.
* * *
Peanut Butter Brown Sugar French Toast Minis
1 slice whole wheat bread
Peanut butter
Brown sugar
1/2 cup egg substitute /or/ 2 eggs
1/2 tsp vanilla
Slice the bread longways into three strips
Spread the peanut butter evenly on the bread strips
Spread the brown sugar evenly on top of the peanut butter
Roll bread strips into spirals*
*Tip: The spirals will need to be held together with something. I didn't have toothpicks last night, so I made mini-skewers out of a chopstick. I always make sure to ask for chopsticks everytime I get Chinese takeout-- they're usually free, and they come in handy with a lot of projects. To make the mini-skewers, I took a knife and took thick shavings from the chopsticks.
Beat eggs and vanilla for one minute
Roll the bread spirals in the egg mixture
Over medium heat, melt a pat of butter into 1 1/2 tsp olive oil in a non-stick pan
Toast the bread spirals in the butter on both sides, and around the perimeter-- about one minute per side
Plate and drizzle with powdered sugar icing, maple syrup, or place a pat of butter on top
* * *
I have no powerded sugar, or maple syrup, so it was butter for me. But man, these were good! The outside got that golden buttery crisp that you get making french toast, and the inside was warm and the brown sugar caramelized with the peanut butter just a little bit. And just those three minis were enough to satisfy my sweet tooth. Definitely a winner!
Also, if you weren't down to your last bit of butter like I was, you could crumble some butter into the brown sugar, or maybe even some crushed nuts.